Friday, December 28, 2012

Herbal Remedies for Hangover and Food Stagnation

The Norwegians call it kveis, meaning “the uneasiness following debauchery.” The medical term is veisalgia (algia is Greek for “pain”).   The Chinese say 宿醉 [sù zuì] .  We call it a hangover. 

Kang ning wan (Curing Pill) is gentle but effective remedy for hangover or any acute digestive disorder from food poisoning to stomach flu.  It is a great addition to your medicine cabinet. The reason it works so well for a hangover is that it contains herbs for an upset stomach combined with herbs for dehydration, fatigue, sore eyes, body aches and a headache. In Chinese medicine, alcohol is viewed as a damp engendering and warming substance.  

The ingredients and mode of action are as follows:
Fu ling( Sclerotium poriae cocos)
Fu ling is a fungus or mushroom that grows on the roots of pine trees and has been used for generations in China to move stagnant fluids. It is also a Qi tonic and so helps to give you energy and enhances your immune system. It is also known for its calming effect.
Bai Zhu (Atractylodes)
Bai zhu is also Qi tonic with the added benefit that it regulates the digestive system. It is a powerful energy booster and is used to boost the metabolism in weight loss formulas as well as by athletes to give them extra energy. Like Fu ling it also moves stagnant fluids.
Xiao Hu Xiang (Fennel)
Fennel is used in both Chinese and ayurvedic medicine as a digestive tonic. This is a great herb for relieving gas and spasms in the large intestine.
(Bai Zhi) Angelica dahurica
This is a major herb for relieving headaches with a variety of causes from colds and flu to a hangover.
(Shen qu) Massa fermenta
Moves stagnant food and relieves an acid stomach
Yi yi ren (Coix lachryma)
Is a great herb for relieving diarrhea and also helps with body aches.
Huo xiang (Patchouli)
Huo Xiang has been used for centuries to stop nausea and vomiting.
Tian hua fen (Trichosanthes kirilowii)
This herb is moistening and relieves the symptoms of dehydration that come along with a hangover
Chen pi (Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae or Tangerine peel)
Tangerine peel is said to regulate qi and guide it down making this herb especially helpful for nausea, vomiting and acid reflux
Ju hua (Chrysanthemum morifolium)
This is a well known herb for treating red, sore eyes and headaches
She chang pu – (Acorus)
Clears a cloudy mind by moving phlegm.
Bo he (Mint)
Cools and soothes a acid digestive system and relieves pain from gas.
Ge-gen (Radix puerariae or Kudzu Root)
A wonderful digestive herb that stops diarrhea and restores proper large intestine function. It also relieves stomach aches and nausea and stops vomiting and has the added benefit of counteracting the effects of dehydration.
You cannot over use this formula and there are no prescription drug interactions or side effects.
Another centuries old formula used for indigestion and digestive upset (food stagnation) is Bao He Wan.  

Bao He Wan has been used on its own or combined to aid the effectiveness and digestibility of other herbal formulas.  Symptoms that are appropriate for this formula include bloating after meals, belching and/or gas, reflux, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, burning sensations in the abdomen and/or pain.  The formula contains Fructus crataegi (Hawthorn) (Shan Zha), Rhizoma pinelliae ternatae (Zhi Ban Xia), Sclerotium poriae cocos (Fu Ling), Pericarpium citri reticulatae (Chen Pi), Fructus forsythiae suspensae (Lian Qiao), Semen raphani sativi (Lai Fu Zi), Fructus hordei germinatus (Hordeum distichon) (Mai Ya).

Another remedy from Southeast Asia is coconut water for hangover.
Coconut water: good remedy for dehydration
Dehydration is quite common after you have partied all night or drank too much. Since alcohol is a diuretic, i.e. something that makes you urinate, you need to hydrate your body through the consumption of a lot of fluids. Coconut water is one of the most effective ways to rehydrate the body. Consumption of a large quantity of alcohol in a dehydrated state results in a hangover. The main symptoms of a hangover are headache, nausea and vomiting. And the best remedy is to consume liquids with electrolytes.
Too much alcohol also has a negative impact on several of your body parts. Your kidneys, liver, stomach and small intestines fall prey to the adverse impact of alcohol and result in problems such as electrolyte imbalances, gastrointestinal disturbances, disruption of sleep, among other things. The need to quickly restore the body to optimal hydration is therefore irrefutable.
Coconut water, although a little known cure for hangovers, has several other beneficial properties:
  • it is a natural isotonic beverage because of the significant amount of electrolytes it contains
  •  improves our digestive system
  •  encourages bowel movement
  •  helps in prevention of bacterial, viral and fungal infections
  •  keeps the body cool while maintaining adequate temperature
  •  aids in healthy functioning of the thyroid
  •  has a cleansing effect on the whole endocrine system
  •  clears your complexion

Happy New YEAR 2013!

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