Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Regain Digestive Health Using Acupuncture and TCM To Treat IBS and GERD

More than 95 million Americans suffer from digestive disorders ranging from constipation, diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) to more serious conditions such as acid reflux (GERD), ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.  In fact, more than 35 million physician office visits a year are due to gastrointestinal complaints.  Reports are confirming that acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can offer relief from even the most complex digestive problems.

TCM Diagnosis and Treatment of Digestive Disorders

Evidence that TCM has been used for digestive disorders can be found in early medical literature dating back to 3 AD, where specific acupuncture points and herbal formulas for borborygmus (rumbling or gurgling in the intestines), abdominal pain and diarrhea with pain are discussed and used in treatment. 
According to TCM medical theory, most digestive disorders are due to disharmony in the spleen and stomach. The spleen plays a central part in the health and vitality of the body, taking a lead role in the assimilation of nutrients and maintenance of physical strength. It turns digested food from the stomach into usable nutrients and qi (energy). Many schools of thought have been formed around this organ; the premise being that the proper functioning of the"'middle" is the key to all aspects of vitality. The other balance point that can be stressed and lead to digestive disharmony is the level of emotional stress we carry with us in daily life.  If we internalize this stress, this can also lead to digestive imbalance.  Accordig to TCM medical theory, the liver distributes qi to the body and is disrupted by stress.  If the liver is stressed, the process of energy speading becomes irratic and stagnant leading to health problems.  If this process occurs with a person with a weak digestive system, symptoms of disharmony manifest in the digestive system and eventually compromise the respiratory (excess phlegm) and immune systems.

IBS according to TCM

While other patterns may be present, IBS is almost always considered a disharmony between the liver and the spleen in traditional Chinese medicine. The liver is responsible for the smooth flow of substances throughout the body. This flow can be upset by emotions or stress, causing stagnation of Qi (energy) or blood. Traditional Chinese Medicine views the spleen as being associated with the function of digestion and transforming food into energy (Qi and blood). The spleen can be weakened by a number of factors, including overeating unhealthy foods, overwork, too much worry, fatigue, and lack of exercise. When the spleen is weak and the liver is not moving smoothly, the liver overacts on the spleen and can manifest as symptoms of IBS.
Some lifestyle changes that may help alleviate IBS symptoms include:
  • Getting adequate exercise, which helps relieve stress, moves energy, regulates the bowels, and helps alleviate constipation.
  • Practicing stress relief measures, such as meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, or quiet time, is key to keeping IBS symptoms under control.
  • Dietary changes should be individualized, and should focus on eliminating foods that trigger symptoms and adding adequate fiber to the diet. Soluble fiber is gentler on the GI tract, and includes foods such as oatmeal, berries, and legumes like lentils and garbanzo beans. Crude fiber, such as bran and raw vegetables and their skins may be too irritating, and should be monitored as a trigger for symptoms. Other foods that are common triggers include greasy or fatty foods, diary products, alcohol, caffeine, chocolate and drinks that are carbonated.
  • Probiotics may be helpful for some sufferers of IBS. Probiotics are supplements that replace the good bacteria in the gut necessary for digestion. A common form is Lactobacillis acidophilus, which can be found in most natural foods stores.
  • Adequate sleep is important for sufferers of IBS, because stress, which is the most common trigger for IBS, is aggravated by lack of sleep. In addition, adequate sleep helps the body heal and rejuvenate.

GERD according to TCM

One of these symptoms is referred to as the western diagnosis GERD. In 2005, a Taiwanese study  in the American Journal of Physiology—Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology reported the effectiveness of electrical acupoint stimulation in reducing the key mechanism of GERD, transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxations (TLESRs). This important muscle allows food to pass into the stomach when working normally. In people who have GERD, the muscle relaxes at the wrong times, allowing stomach acid to churn up into the esophagus and resulting in heartburn symptoms.

By applying only mild stimulation to an acupoint on the wrist known as Neiguan,  or PC 6, researchers were able to reduce the frequency of TLESRs from six to 3.5 an hour in research subjects. Sham stimulation of a hip point produced no comparable change.  REN 12 and REN 10, acupuncture points on the abodomen ( see picture above) also show some promise in treating GERD.  As with most research studies, more research needs to be done to validate other studies and clinical results.

Although the causes of gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, are still unknown, there are  pharmaceutical treatments available on the market to help with the symptoms and perhaps even repair some of the tissue damage. The problem with most of these treatments remains dealing with side effects of the drugs and the  limited lasting effectiveness of the treatment.  Frequently, when the drug treatment is removed, the symptoms GERD returns.

By taking into account a person's constitution and varied symptoms, a TCM treatment plan is designed specifically for the individual to bring their "middle" back into harmony and optimize the proper functioning of the digestive system. A variety of techniques can be used during treatment including acupuncture, lifestyle/dietary recommendations and energetic exercises to restore digestive health.


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