Monday, March 3, 2014

Post-Nasal Drip and Acupuncture

Post-nasal drip occurs when the normal mucus that’s produced in the nasal passages fails to transform and move as it should. This can be due to viscosity or obstruction like swelling or deviated septa. In either case, the mucus cannot flow normally, which causes it to accumulate in the back of the nose and drip down the throat. Since post-nasal drip is caused by faulty flow rather than an infection,  antihistamines can make the problem worse because they dry out the nasal passages, further thickening mucus.

Acupuncture and acupressure can eliminate the underlying causes of symptoms by restoring flow. This enables physiological processes to occur normally. In the case of post-nasal drip, there is a specific acupuncture point that transforms mucus so that it moves easily throughout the body.

The best-known acupuncture point for transforming mucus is Stomach 40. This popular acupuncture point is located on the outer lower leg, about halfway between the knee and ankle (see picture below). Stomach 40 is primarily used for clearing out mucus—more commonly referred to by acupuncturists as phlegm or dampness—especially in the upper body. Since the Stomach meridian on which the point falls goes directly over the chest, throat and nasal area, the point’s dampness-reducing effects address those areas.

Acupuncturists choose Stomach 40 for people who have post-nasal drip as well as phlegmy coughs, fullness or heaviness in the chest, throat swelling and difficulty swallowing. In between acupuncture visits, you can perform acupressure on Stomach 40 yourself to relieve post-nasal drip. Self-acupressure on Stomach 40 is handy if you, like many people, are most affected by post-nasal drip at night. When lying in bed, turn onto your side and bend your knee so that you can reach your lower leg. You should be able to access the point from this angle. Experiment with it to determine which finger feels most comfortable to you. You can also experiment with pressing Stomach 40 on each leg to see if one produces better results than the other, or you can press both right and left Stomach 40 simultaneously. Using the thumb allows you to get a good grip on the point, to which you should apply firm pressure. If your post-nasal drip is chronic, you may notice a little tenderness when pressing Stomach 40. 

More Self-Care Tips for Post-Nasal Drip In addition to performing acupressure on Stomach 40, here are some other simple self-care techniques for alleviating post-nasal drip:

  1. Drink more water. When post-nasal drip acts up, make sure to stay hydrated. This helps to loosen and thin the mucus. Add at least an extra eight ounces of water to your daily regimen. Make sure the water’s not too cold. The goal is to keep things flowing, so avoid ice and refrigerated water and instead suck it down lukewarm. Prop your head Many people are most affected by post-nasal drip at night. Often this is because, when we lay our heads down to sleep, the mucus in our nasal passages drains backward and can start pooling in the throat. To avoid this, try propping your head slightly with an extra pillow.
  2.  Get a humidifier.  Dryness is one of the primary contributors to post-nasal drip. It’s why so many of us get it during the cold and dry winter months. If you notice dryness activating your post-nasal drip, try using a humidifier to add some moisture to the air in your home. If your post-nasal drip is bad at night, run it when you’re sleeping.
  3. Use a Neti pot.   Neti pots naturally clear the nasal passages. To improve compliance with your neti pot, keep it in the shower. This way, it becomes part of your daily routine. When you wash the rest of your body, give your nasal passages a rinse as well. 
  4. Cut back on cow's milk dairy, soy and refined sugar products. Good substitutions are unsweetened almond milk, rice milk and whole fruit (berries, apples, grapefruit).  Most people notice an increased level of phlegm production when eating dairy, soy or very sweet things.  According to Chinese Medicine these categories of food are damp engendering and with cow's milk and soy are cold.  The digestive system has to work hard to process these substances and many times cannot handle the additional damp produced in the process.  This excess damp "cooks" in the body to produce phlegm.
  5. STOP Smoking! This goes without saying!  You would be amazed at how many people come in complaining of post-nasal drip and head stuffiness and smell of cigarette smoke i.e. they have recently been smoking. Your body will naturally produce more mucus in response to the fine particulates in smoke.
Change the post-nasal drip pattern before allergy season strikes.  With global warming, plants that love warmth will be extending their range further north creating new exposures for people who are allergy prone.  Taking care the sources of mucus and blockages help minimize the chances of these new pollen sources from triggering an allergic sensitivity.

1 comment:

  1. Great post .Your given 5 self-care techniques for alleviating post-nasal drip will really help people who are affected and want to get acupuncture treatment
    keep writing and help people .
