Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Search for Holistic Allergy Treatments-A Review of NAET "Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique"

NAET stands for Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique.

According to NAET.com, NAET is “a non-invasive, drug free, natural solution to eliminate allergies of all types and intensities using a blend of selective energy balancing, testing and treatment procedures from acupuncture/acupressure, allopathy, chiropractic, nutritional, and kinesiological disciplines of medicine."

 I first was introduced to NAET by a fellow acupuncturist during my acupuncture treatment. This was the first time I heard about an energetically based allergy treatment that my practitioner reported to be both a simple and effective way to reduce and eliminate allergies. I became extremely interested in learning more about NAET.  I then began my training as an NAET practitioner. Eleven years later, I am happy to report that NAET works and has eased the suffering of young and old patients alike. As with every treatment method, the results vary depending upon how sick the patient is and what the patient is willing and able to do to follow practitioner suggestions and play an active role in changing their health. With that goal in mind, this blog post will be dedicated to informing potential NAET patient about NAET and what to realistically expect from treatments.

 Before beginning NAET, I strongly suggest that every patient get an IgE profile done with their MD's lab prior to NAET treatments so they can compare this baseline with the next IgE profile to be done 6 months to a year after the initial NAET treatment. Patients often believe that they can be allergic to one item, say cat dander, and nothing else because they do not seem to get sick with certain dietary or environmental exposures. According to Dr. Nambudripad and in my experience with NAET, most people are allergic to many dietary or environmental items but are asymptomatic or do not recognize physical symptoms associated with exposure to these items. As a person ages, the immune system wears down and these sensitivities will manifest into many different kinds of allergic symptoms. Unfortunately, many people have suppressed immune systems at younger ages and are prone to having more allergic reactions earlier in life.

 For most people, NAET testing and treatments seem hard to understand and visualize. Additionally, the concepts of "energy field or aura" and how it can relate to allergies are equally hard to rationalize. Simply, put an allergy is a defensive reaction of our immune system to something our nervous system (through our energetic field or aura) detects is harmful to us. As a result, we naturally seem to avoid certain foods, for example, or get sick upon exposure to certain dietary or environmental items.

According to NAET, there are 15 Basic substances that are the root cause of many allergic based illnesses, these include
• BBF (Brain Body Formula)
• Egg Mix
• Calcium Mix
• Vitamin C Mix
• B-Complex
• Sugar Mix
• Iron Mix
• Vitamin A Mix
• Minerals
• Salt Mix
 • Grain Mix
 •Yeast Mix
 •Acid (Stomach Acid)
 • Base (Digestive Enzymes)
 • Hormones

 Of the 15 Basic items, the first six have been found to be at the root cause of allergic symptoms or sensitivities. NAET treatment begins by testing for sensitivity to these items by the use of applied kinesiology in combination with exposure to each category of items. The energetic profile of the items are electronically trapped in a solution of purified water and alcohol contained within a glass vial. This is similar to homeopathic remedies that contain the energy signature of substances.

 The TESTING procedure is simple and approximate: The patient will lay with their back down on the practitioner’s exam table. The patient holds their opposite arm straight up, 90 degrees out from their body. The patient is told to resist as much as possible as the practitioner tries to push the patient's arm down to their side. The patient should be able to resist the pressure exerted by the practitioner. Next, the patient would be asked to hold a small glass vial containing the energetic solution of one of the test items. If the patient's arm muscles weaken in response to the same pressure applied by the practitioner, the patient's energy field/nervous system detects there is something the body is sensitive or possibly allergic to. The level of resistance indicates how sensitive the patient is to the substance in the glass vial.

 TREATMENT After determining the patient's sensitivity to the 15 basics, the patient is asked to turn over, front side down and hold a treatment vial. Pressure is applied along the spine in select locations to "re-set" the nervous system in the presence of the offending substance. The patient turns over, back side down to be tested for resistance. If the patient's resistance is strong the patient receives acupuncture or acupressure to balance the system. The patient holds the vial for 15-20 minutes, is retested and is sent home with further instructions on avoidance period and when to return to office to retest for "clearing" of substance. If "clear" of the treatment substance, the next sensitive substance on the list is treated.


  •  Avoidance is key to "clearing". Once "cleared" and feeling good, avoid the tendency to over indulge on the "cleared" item. It takes 6 months to a year for the immune system to re-balance and the digestive system to heal. 
  •  Digestive enzymes, pro-biotics, Myer's cocktails and Vitamin B-12 injections all help heal a sick digestive system and help NAET treatments last longer. 
  • The "clearing" of the first six substances of the Basic 15 are critical to ensure success of the method. Priority substances that are not on the Basic 15 (like dairy, animal dander, pollen, mold) should be "cleared" after the first six are cleared.
  •  You will need annual or case-based tune-ups-there are often combinations of substances that cause a re-emergence of symptoms
  •  Follow-up with another IgE profile 6-months to a year after the initial NAET treatment to compare your new immune profile with baseline
  • NAET requires time, patience and treatments are often only partially covered by many insurance company plans
  •  The benefits of NAET and relief that patients experience as a result of the treatments are often worth the time and investment.  If you were very sick before you were treated with NAET, it will take just as much time to heal as it did to get you sick. If you were used to living "life on the edge", changing your lifestyle has to be a part of the treatment for health to return. 

NAET is not a magic bullet for regaining health in every person and for every situation. As far as I know, no treatment or practitioner can honestly claim to offer an effective, enduring "cure" to end sickness, pain and disease. However, NAET has helped countless patients regain health and with it the hope of living a symptom and pain-free life.


  1. Acupuncture is based on maintaining proper flow of energy through the body. Today, acupuncture in Mississauga is an effective, natural and increasingly popular form of health care that is used by people whole over the world.

  2. When we say that we need a mineral like magnesium or sulfur in our diets, we don’t actually mean the rock element form of it, but a compound that matches the chemistry of our bodies so that it can be used in a variety of cellular processes. allergy cure
